Monday, July 14, 2008
Why Will you Choose Florida Vacation Rental Home?
Suitable to cope up with purposes and persons:
You can go to Florida for honeymoon purpose, or for making a family holiday. The vacation rental homes in Florida are available in various sizes. Some are appropriate for romantic couple; some are made for larger group. But, this facility is not all time available in hotels. Furthermore, for obtaining these condos, you will have to spend as much as hotels generally charge.
An opportunity of holidaying in seclusion and own way.
Your craving for holidaying in seclusion and comfort can be fulfilled at the Florida vacation rental home. Accented on travelers’ privacy and coziness, all vacation condos will enable you to enjoy vacation in your own way. Whether you want to observe the dark beauty of sea from terrace or want to walk through the beaches late at the night, all you can do here without any restriction.
After traveling whole day, relax at a homely atmosphere:
This unmatched facility is only obtainable at Vacation rental condos. After enjoying the day on seashore, or sight seeing, you need some relaxation at night. Unlike hotels, here you can avail more space, choose a cozy place and unwind yourself by listening to music, watching TV, enjoying movies in CD players or reading books. And if you feel hungry, cook your desired dishes at the well-equipped kitchen. All together, at the vacation rental condos, you won’t miss your home at all.
More Facilities …More Fun:
Have you ever thought that after holidaying, you will come back your home with fresh clothes? It is unbelievable! But, at Florida vacation rental abodes, it is possible. Here you can access washer and dryer. So do not worry about cleaning clothes. Besides, other amenities, like swimming pool, indoor games, Telephone and at some Florida vacation rental home, you can avail the internet accessing facility as well.
Start searching…Opt for the best one:
Are you interested in staying at vacation rental home during Florida vacation? Start searching for that. On the internet, you can get various sites, where you will avail information about Florida vacation rental home. Availing combo package that includes plane fare, accommodation and car rental together can be profitable for you too. Besides, you can opt for vacation rental home directly from property owner.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Living in Florida: Discovering Who You Are
When you start to think about living in
Living in
When you are looking at places to live in
Similarly, if you’re a beach person, you’ll want to be sure that you have access to the beach. Living in Florida is not just about fun in the sun, though, it’s also about relaxing while listening the waves or enjoying watching the sun rise.
Each of these elements of your personality doesn’t just shape who you are, it also shapes where you want to live and how the experience of living in
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Choosing the Right Miami Condo for You
There are increasing numbers of individuals who are buying condos. Married and singles are buying condos these days. Condos in
There are some individuals who are asking if condos are good investments.
For first time condo buyers, they have to realize that in buying a condo, they are also buying a unit that comes with set of rules. Yes, indeed, each condo buildings have different rules and these rules are made for the safety and security of there condo owners.
There are some individuals who are thinking on how serious they must look over in the condo rules. If you are planning to buy a condo, you have to study and understand the rules first before deciding buying it. You have to assure yourself that you can abide with the rules. Take a look if the rules can suit your lifestyle.
It is best to look for several condos, ask for their rates, rules, look at the unit and building, is the unit is big enough for you, do you prepare to have a huge balcony or a small one will do, these are few of the things you need to consider and look up to in seeking for the right Miami condo for you.
All the condos have rules which are designed to make an easy living for people who live there. But the question is will you really gain an easy living with these rules? Are you a type of person who rises early and prefer to dance with the beat of your radio? But is playing music that early is allowed with the rules? Do you love pets; do you own a dog which you usually walk with early morning? But are pets allowed in that condo? Can you bring your dog in the balcony and barks aloud which can wake up other people? These are few of the things that you do, but are these allowed in the rules. So it is best that you check out all the rules before you buy a condo.
There are plenty of
As a first time condo buyer, you can work with a realtor. Just make sure to get the one that is familiar with the market. Contact few realtors and check out their expertise and pick up the one that you believe is the right one.
As soon as you find the right
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Jacksonville Loft Condos: Your Style at Home
Trendy Jacksonville loft condos with wide open floor plans, great views, unique finishes, modern appliances and just the right amount of style make it easy for their residents to have a home that really looks and feels just the way that they want it to.
As a result, it’s easy to entertain and spend time with friends. It’s easy to prepare meals your way - but take out and going out are always an option too.
There’s a certain flexibility that loft condos offer that other homes just don’t have: while it’s not necessarily easy to describe - as soon as you’ve experienced it for yourself you’ll know just how special it is.
Source :
Condominium and Home Lease Options | Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
A: It is an agreement between a renter and a landlord in which the renter signs a lease with an option to purchase the condo or single family home. The option only binds the seller; the tenant has a choice to make a purchase or not. Lease options are common among buyers who would like to own a condominium or home but do not have enough money for the down payment and closing costs. A lease option may also be attractive to tenants who are working to improve bad credit before approaching a lender for a home loan.
Q: How does a lease option work?
A: A landlord agrees to give a renter an exclusive option to purchase the property. The option price is usually determined at the outset, but not always, and the agreement states when the purchase should take place – whether, say, six months, or a year or two down the road. A portion of the rent is used to make the future down payment. Most lenders will accept the down payment if the rental payments exceed the market rent and a valid lease-purchase agreement is in effect. Before you opt to do a lease option, find out as much as possible about how they work. Talk to real estate agents, read published materials, and, in the end, have an attorney review any paperwork before you sign on the dotted line.We have a wide variety of oceanfront condominiums and intracoastal waterfront homes available for sale and for lease in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida area.
Source :
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Miami Realtor's condo blog landed him a job -- for 5 weeks
Five weeks later, Lechuga's new broker severed its ties with him, after he and the firm were hit with a $25 million defamation lawsuit by one of the city's most prominent developers over a blog post he wrote before landing his new job.
The story has captured the attention of real estate bloggers, agents and the brokers who employ them, as they continue to assess how to best make use of this relatively new medium for connecting with consumers.
Lechuga's Miami Condo Investments blog has an active following that includes condo buyers and sellers who are trying to get a handle on where the city's often speculative condo market might be headed next.
Many are looking for insight into how individual projects are faring, including details such as whether buyers are backing out of agreements to buy units over fears about falling prices.
Lechuga, a real estate agent for three years, blogs about Miami condo developments concentrated in Brickell corridor, the city's financial district, providing statistics like the closing rates of new developments, prices per square foot, and recent and pending sales.
The statistics are sometimes accompanied by photos and video of new developments Lechuga takes as he makes his rounds. Those images are especially popular with prospective buyers who haven't seen the buildings in person, Lechuga said.
"Buyers with contracts (to purchase a condo in a new development) love the fact that I can go into these buildings before they close, and take pictures of areas like the lobby and the pool deck," Lechuga said.
With a background in finance -- Lechuga was a trader at the Chicago Board of Options Exchange before getting into real estate -- the blogger also dispenses opinions and advice to readers.
Potential buyers follow closing rates closely, because they want to know whether units in a new development will be in demand or languish in Miami's highly speculative condo market.
"I'd never advise buyers to buy into a development with a 50 percent closing rate," Lechuga said. Even a 75 percent or 80 percent closing rate, he said, "is kind of risky. The best deals are when a development is 90 percent closed ... when people are still a little nervous."
Granddaddy of Miami real estate
What got Lechuga into hot water with renowned Brickell developer Tibor Hollo wasn't his Jan. 10 prediction that Hollo's new 56-story, 635-unit Opera Tower condo project was "doomed" or that its default rate could exceed 50 percent.
According to Hollo, it was an earlier, Nov. 25 blog post about Opera Tower that raised his ire. Lechuga, who had heard that Hollo had gone through a rough spot years ago, wrote: "This developer went bankrupt in the 1980s and I think we'll see a repeat performance within the next 6 months."
Hollo, once described by a local business journal as "the undisputed granddaddy of Miami real estate development" -- does not deny that, like most developers, he's had his ups and downs.
He recently told the Miami Herald that he lost "tens of millions of dollars" when lenders foreclosed on several of his properties in the early 1990s. But it was all his own money, he told the Herald, and he never filed for bankruptcy protection from creditors in court.
"I never went bankrupt in my life, and this is something that is very easy to check," Hollo told Inman News. "You look at public records."
If Lechuga had said, "I think (he) went into bankruptcy, that would have been different," Hollo said. "But this was such an affirmative statement, my best friends started to believe it."
Lechuga said he never claimed Hollo filed for bankruptcy, and that the definition of the word "bankrupt" is open to interpretation.
"You can say that someone is emotionally bankrupt -- it's the same for financial," Lechuga said. The word bankrupt "could mean they were down in the gutter, that they lost a lot of money," without actually filing for bankruptcy protection in court.
Hollo, who was born in Hungary and reportedly survived Nazi concentration camps Auschwitz and Matthausen before coming to the U.S. in 1948, claims to have built the first high-rise building on Miami's Brickell Avenue more than five decades ago.
"I am in business 58 years," he said. "I have developed a very fine reputation personally and in business ... and when I see that somebody shoots off their mouth irresponsibly and my bankers call me, I feel that my reputation was damaged irreparably by such a thing."
Lechuga has since edited the post, removing the reference to the developer having been bankrupt. But he has not backed down from his prediction that the project faces an uncertain future.
"I think it is likely that we will see a majority of these condos owned by the bank that loaned money to the developer of Opera Tower by April 2008," the post now reads.
Lechuga said his predictions that buyers would back out of closings at Opera Tower were based on "a number of phone calls" he received from contract holders saying they had no intention of closing.
"It's not like I'm picking on Opera Tower. I want to provide consumers with all relevant information," Lechuga said. "That's why I'm a trusted source about the Miami condo market. I get calls from buyers all the time saying … we know this isn't a good time to be buying, but you aren't going to sugarcoat it, and put us into any old property because it's overpriced."
Hollo says closings at Opera Tower began only in January, and it remains to be seen what the final closing rate will be.
After conducting about 40 closings in January, Hollo said he hopes to ramp up the pace to 50 closings this month and 60 by March. It's physically impossible to do more than two or three closings a day, he said, because of the need to walk each buyer through their unit and complete punch lists.
"I don't think we have more than 30 buyers that don't want to close, and they sometimes have good reasons," Hollo said. One widow, he said by example, is backing out after her husband died. Another buyer is relocating out of the state for a job. "Thank heavens we are going to be proving Mr. Lechuga wrong."
Hollo says it was Lechuga's claim that he went bankrupt that prompted him to sue, rather than worries that the Realtor's warnings would cause more buyers to back out.
"I couldn't have done anything about it, and I wouldn't have done anything about it," Hollo said of Lechuga's claims that buyers will back out en masse.
Opera Tower lawsuits
But Hollo himself was hit with more than a dozen lawsuits in the weeks after Lechuga blogged about his doubts about Opera Tower.
Federal court records show that since Dec. 21, 15 lawsuits have been filed against Opera Tower LLC, the limited liability company formed to build the development, by would-be buyers seeking refunds of their deposits.
A typical example is a Jan. 28 suit filed on behalf of Rama Investments LLC and Raul Gonzalez-Gil, seeking the return of an $81,983 deposit put down in November 2004 for a condo on the 16th floor.
Rama Investments' lawsuit claims neighboring high-rises obstruct views of Biscayne Bay, that the "oversized Olympic style swimming pool" is smaller than promised, and that ceramic tiles were installed rather than the promised "designer tile kitchens, foyers and bathrooms."
Hollo has been dismissive of the lawsuits in the local press, saying they were filed by "flippers" who were only looking to make a quick buck.
But soon after the first lawsuits against Opera Tower were filed, Hollo had attorneys draw up a $25 million defamation suit against Lechuga and his erstwhile employer, Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell, a real estate broker with 750 agents at 12 offices in Miami-Dade and Broward counties.
EWM promptly severed its ties Lechuga, who had only been an EWM associate for about five weeks.
"The first I ever heard about it was the lawsuit," Lechuga said, still sounding amazed at the turn of events his life has taken.
A chilling effect?
The story caused a buzz in the growing ranks of real estate bloggers. Some may never have given much thought to the possibility that they could be sued or fired over something they said on their own, personal blog.
The perception that EWM was on the wrong side of a free speech issue was reinforced, perhaps, by comments the firm's president, Ron Shuffield, made in a story published in the Herald on Jan. 28, the day Lechuga was let go.
The story quoted Shuffield as saying EWM did not "condone making statements, especially negative statements, about anyone" and that the company encouraged "associates to be a positive source of information."
That may have left some real estate bloggers with the impression that EWM wouldn't allow its associates to engage in the kind of frank, tell-it-like-it-is style of blogging that helps them come across as knowledgeable, credible authorities on their markets.
"I wonder if this will put the scare on other Miami bloggers and in particular, other Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell Realtors," wrote Dustin Luther, founder of the influential Seattle real estate blog, on his blog.
But Shuffield and EWM Chief Operating Officer Beth Butler, who oversees the company's blogging efforts, say the company's associates aren't being asked to paint a rosy picture that's only one side of the story -- only to verify that what they say in their blogs is accurate.
"There's a lot of stuff we put out, that I personally put out, that's not happy news," Shuffield told Inman News. "There is lots of inventory down here; sales have been flat for a long time; and we're realistic with our sellers that this is not going to turn around next month."
While Shuffield sees EWM and its associates as information providers -- feeding clients data on comparable sales and neighborhood trends, for instance -- "I don't see us as a news source," he said. "Bloggers in our office are becoming the primary source of information for their neighborhoods and markets that they deal in, but I don't think any of our people think of themselves as investigative reporters."
Shuffield said that while he's comfortable with EWM associates offering their opinions, he'd rather see them talking about neighborhoods and properties than people.
"We are big believers in blogging, and that getting that information out can be very helpful to people," Shuffield said. "I get nervous when I start hearing statements about people, or (information about) people becoming more critical than buildings or neighborhoods."
For Shuffield, it's important that "what we're reporting is accurate, and based on first-hand information. The rumor on the street is how people's reputations get damaged. I say all the time when you join our company, our reputation becomes yours, and your reputation becomes mine."
That's a view shared by Jim Duncan, a second-generation Realtor based in Charlottesville, Va.
Writing on BloodhoundBlog, a collaborative blog written by and for real estate professionals, Duncan said, "I hear rumors all the time. But I rarely blog about them."
Duncan said he's been blogging about three years and isn't afraid of controversy. As the co-editor of the editorial page of the school paper at Virginia Military Institute, he said, "I wrote things counter to administration policy that I'd get called onto the carpet for -- literally. I'd get called into the commandant's office and have to salute and everything."
Duncan doesn't want to get sued, but more importantly, he said, it takes a long time to build a reputation, and a reputation is something worth protecting.
"I trade on my credibility -- with my clients and potential clients, my fellow Realtors, builders, developers, the public and the media," Duncan wrote on BloodhoundBlog. "Damaging that credibility -- even by an infinitesimal amount -- is not an option."
As the son of two Realtors who did deals on a handshake, "I take tremendous pride and satisfaction that my word is my bond," he said.
Duncan says he frequently expresses opinions in his writing, and that while his blog is primarily a local real estate blog, he covers "politics and all sorts of stuff."
By expressing his opinions in a "cogent way that's based on fact," he's used his blog to build a reputation as an authority.
"I just got a call from a local news station 20 minutes ago," Duncan said. "They do look at me as a source who provides unfiltered and unbiased information."
Ironically, Lechuga said he was recruited by EWM because of his blog, and that a dispute over content on his Miami Condo Investments blog ended his relationship with a previous brokerage.
"They wanted me to edit comments" from readers who suggested it was a bad time to buy into the Miami condo market, Lechuga said. "I said, 'Their opinion matters just as much as mine. I'm not going to delete their comments just to make the Miami condo market look better.' "
EWM, Lechuga said, "is actually a very pro-blogging company. I went to them hoping they would accept the whole blogging platform, and be more open to honesty."
But Lechuga said others in the business warned him that EWM was owned by a large company -- Berkshire Hathaway affiliate HomeServices of America Inc. -- and would dissociate themselves from him if there was ever a controversy over his blog.
Butler does not dispute that EWM recruited Lechuga because of his blog.
"I came across a post he wrote, with market stats for the Brickell area, that I thought was very well done," EWM's chief operating officer said. "He did a great job of putting information out. Did I read every post? No. Had I read this post? No."
Butler oversees a company blog for EWM's 750 associates, which she said about 350 agents tried out when it was launched in August. Since then, she said, the number of contributors posting at least once a week has dwindled to about a dozen.
"We understand agents want to have their own branding," she said, so agents are able to use an RSS feed to send their posts to both the company blog and their own personal blogs, which can be accessed by a tab on an individual agent's Web site.
At the moment, there's no official policy in place about maintaining individual blogs outside of company channels, but that could change, Butler said.
"It's probably good for every company to have a policy on individual agent's blogs," she said. Without one, "You get to be a certain size, and you're reading blogs all day" for problematic content.
Butler, who maintains her own outside blog on ActiveRain and has created a group on the site for EWM associates, sees blogging as in its infancy.
"Lucas (Lechuga), like every real estate blogger out there, is trying to figure out what this means," Butler said. "Do I want readers? Do I want business? They are all trying to define their online reputation. As he grows and matures, and as we grow and mature, we'll see whether we see eye to eye or not."
Lechuga, for his part, says he holds no grudge against EWM, and says he'd like to be associated with the firm again.
"I understand fully their position," Lechuga said. "EWM is a fantastic office to work for, and I wish this whole thing would just blow over and I could go back to work for them. I'm not bitter -- I want to move on."
Protect yourself
Defamation and libel suits are a constant threat to newspapers, publishers and bloggers. The law offers many defenses against libel suits, and large awards, especially to public figures, are uncommon. Many states limit damage awards unless alleged victims seek a retraction or correction and are refused.
But the cost of defending against such lawsuits can have a chilling effect on free speech.
"I'm very confident I'll prevail, but the legal costs, that's a worry," Lechuga said. Some attorneys he's talked to warned he could be facing a two- to three-year court battle, with legal fees of $200,000 to $300,000, he said.
There are some simple steps any blogger can take to lower the risk of a defamation or libel suit, and to limit their liability if they do end up in court.
The Media Bloggers Association -- founded by a blogger who, ironically, was threatened with legal action by the New York Times over a satirical post about the newspaper's correction policy -- recommends posting a clearly stated correction policy, and correcting mistakes promptly using strikethroughs or editor's notes.
The MBA publishes a list of principles for bloggers, many of which are employed by professional journalists, which includes:
* Stating what you know and how you know it, using links to supporting documents where possible and crediting sources. Don't plagiarize or pass off others' work as your own.
* Distinguish fact from rumor and speculation. Be intellectually honest when expressing opinion. Use your own name and provide a way for readers to communicate with you.
* Disclose conflicts of interest including personal relationships, financial considerations or other factors that might influence or appear to influence your independence and integrity. If you accept payments from advertisers or sponsors, clearly demarcate paid content.
* Respect the privacy of private citizens, who may not want photographs, videos or information about them made public. Use special sensitivity when dealing with children and inexperienced sources or subjects.
Source :
Monday, January 28, 2008
Downtown hotel-condo project is tangled in lawsuit limbo
The proposed partnership promised to be a grand one: a string of luxury boutique hotels rising in select cities throughout the western United States, Mexico and Hawaii.
Yet six months after signing a letter of intent to explore the venture, New York hotelier the Setai Group, which created Miami Beach's prominent The Setai, is locked in a legal battle with Steve Rebeil, a developer who hoped to make his 23-story San Diego hotel-condominium a West Coast flagship for the Setai brand.
In November, the Setai Group sued 5th Avenue Partners and its principal, Orange County developer Rebeil, alleging that the San Diego project is being falsely promoted as a Setai property under the name Setai San Diego.
Richard Burton, an attorney for the Setai Group, said his clients and 5th Avenue signed a letter of intent in May to explore a potential partnership. But the parties never came to terms and a final agreement was never forged, Burton said.
In a countersuit, 5th Avenue contends that it spent millions of dollars bringing the hotel-condominium project up to Setai standards and that the letter of intent is itself a binding contract, though final partnership documents were not signed.
Now the fate of the property, known as the Diegan before 5th Avenue announced the Setai name change in October, is uncertain. Meanwhile, some buyers who put deposits on the hotel's 185 rooms, suites and penthouses for condominium use want their money back.
One buyer, who asked not to be identified, said he demanded and received his full deposit this month, citing a termination clause in his Diegan contract that allows for a refund if a final report has not been issued by the California Department of Real Estate within six months after the date of a conditional report. The buyer said several other Diegan buyers have also been given their deposits.
In California, the sale or lease of five or more units falls under the jurisdiction of the Real Estate Department. Conditional reports permit developers to enter into binding contracts with buyers, subject to satisfying specified conditions of a project. All those conditions must be satisfied before a final report is issued and the developer can close escrow.
The department issued the Diegan a conditional report in October 2005. No final report has been issued, a department spokesman said.
5th Avenue Partners did not respond to questions about the Diegan or how many buyers have requested or received deposit returns.
Lee Millinax of Vertical Properties, the San Diego firm that handles sales for the property, said about 85 units at the Diegan have been sold for condominium use. Millinax said he has received from eight to 10 requests from buyers to have their deposits returned, which he forwarded to 5th Avenue.
John Vogt, an attorney for Rebeil and 5th Avenue, declined to answer specific questions about the disputed Setai joint venture. He said his clients have “a binding contract with Setai Group and we are proceeding full-bore in terms of man-hours, time and money on all fronts.”
“We are confident in the merits of our case, and we'll proceed through the court system to defend our rights,” Vogt said.
The Setai Group alleged that it was mislead by Rebeil about his past legal problems and his ability to bring other hotel properties to the proposed partnership.
Rebeil's past includes a 2004 tax-related felony conviction and subsequent incarceration, and the denial of a casino gaming license in 1997 after Nevada regulators deemed him to “lack good character, honesty and integrity.”
The Setai lawsuit claims that Rebeil's felony conviction, which Setai alleged was not properly disclosed, disqualifies Rebeil from having any ownership interest in a Setai project involving a casino or liquor license in Nevada or California.
Another point of contention was Rebeil's promise to deliver a prestigious Beverly Hills property to the proposed Setai partnership.
The building, owned by Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt, is a distinctive, curved 10-story structure at 8484 Wilshire Blvd. that the Setai Group hoped to transform into a five-star hotel.
Burton, Setai's attorney, said his client's chief interest in negotiating a potential joint venture was Rebeil's assertion that he could bring the Beverly Hills property into the deal.
“He represented that he had the rights to the Larry Flynt property, but we've never seen anything – no documents of agreement or an option obtained on a Beverly Hills property,” Burton said. “The thing that was the least concern for us was the Diegan. Our interest was more Beverly Hills, but the Diegan was the only thing we've ever seen any documents on.”
Joseph Manna, an attorney for Flynt, said neither Flynt nor any of Flynt's companies have any agreement with Rebeil or any of Rebeil's companies. Flynt himself is embroiled in a legal dispute with another developer, Ronald Stover, who alleged that his company has an option to buy the property from Flynt.
“Neither Rebeil, nor any of Rebeil's companies, have any interest in the 8484 Wilshire building through the owner of the building,” Manna said.
5th Avenue formally announced that the Setai Group would operate the Diegan as the Setai San Diego in an Oct. 18 news release, claiming that the San Diego property would be the first “five-star luxury condominium-hotel in the city as the result of a groundbreaking east coast-west coast partnership considered to be the first of its kind in the country.”
Within hours, the Setai Group's attorney informed 5th Avenue that talks were off and “improperly repudiated” the letter of intent, according to the 5th Avenue countersuit.
Burton said there was nothing improper about Setai pulling the plug. Final terms were never agreed on, so the proposed partnership never materialized, he said.
Burton said 5th Avenue repeatedly violated terms of the letter of intent, including issuing unauthorized news releases touting the partnership as a done deal and the Diegan name change to Setai San Diego.
One of several unresolved areas of contention was affixing the Setai name to the Diegan, Burton said. The Setai Group did not consider the Diegan to be of the required quality for a Setai property. For example, many of the rooms are too small to earn a five-star designation, Burton said.
If a partnership deal had been reached, Setai proposed to manage the Diegan as a Setai Rok or Setai Rox, a “younger” offshoot brand that Setai was planning, Burton said.
The Setai Group has developed the Setai Resort and Residences, a 40-story luxury hotel condominium in Miami Beach, as well as a 30-story luxury hotel-condominium in New York City.
Source :
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
10 Reasons the South Florida Condominium Market is Hot
1) It’s freezing everywhere else.
While your friends in New York and Minneapolis put on their massive winter coats to go outside, if you’re living in a South Florida beach condo, you’ll be basking in the sunshine and comfortable in shorts and a tee shirt year-round.
2) You can actually see water from your balcony.
And it’s not just a lake with a tacky fountain in the middle. Whether you have the view of the Atlantic Ocean meeting the horizon, or the Intracoastal Waterway surrounded by spectacular yachts and mansions, it’s a Zen experience.
3) Enticing family and friends to come see you more often.
Living in a beach condominium guarantees you’re the favorite destination for relatives and family members. Just be careful who you tell, you may be overwhelmed by newfound popularity.
4) Value for your dollar.
Just over half the world’s population - around 3.2 billion people - occupy a coastal strip just 200 kilometers wide (120 miles), representing only 10% of the earth’s land surface. Where do you think the most valuable one percent of that land exists? You guessed it…along the beachfront.
5) South Florida beaches are beautiful and fun, 12 months of the year.
December is as much “bathing suit month” as July. And even on those slightly cool days - and by cool in South Florida we’re talking 60 degrees - a brisk walk on the beach with your feet in the cool sand is truly a refreshing experience.
6) No need to worry about the menu or the place settings when entertaining.
Dazzling sunsets and a clear blue sky create a breathtaking setting for entertaining guests. Your friends will leave with something special to talk about, even if your food and entertaining skills just aren’t any good.
7) Beach walks at sunset relieve stress from the day.
Therapy in South Florida is defined by sand between your toes. When you live by the beach, there’s no worry about finding parking - you’re already home.
8) Frequent opportunities to sit down at the water’s edge with a good book.
For inspiration, there’s nothing better. The relaxing sound of waves crashing on the shore is the perfect accompaniment to a soothing afternoon of reading your favorite novel, self-help book or magazine.
9) No matter your job, when you live by the beach, you always feel like you are on vacation.
It’s hard to hold on to residual stress from the day when you look out the window and see paradise. Combine that with a luxurious new residence plus an array of incredible amenities and you have a resort-class lifestyle that feels like a perpetual vacation.
10) South Florida, particularly near the beach, is a great place to experience exceptional food, fun and culture. In a South Florida beach area location, sparkling white sand beaches and waterfront dining are just a stroll away, and you’re only minutes from distinctive boutiques, art galleries, cultural and entertainment venues, exhilarating nightlife and outstanding restaurants serving the freshest seafood available.
Source :
Friday, January 18, 2008
Factors That Keep the Miami Condo Rental Market Stable
This forecast is based on a recent report analyzing the US apartment and condo market, wherein 42 metropolitan areas were reviewed based on their vacancy rates, current construction, affordability, job growth and rental trends. The report viewed Miami is one of the strongest condo markets in the nation.
Job Growth, Low Vacancy Rates Contribute To Miami's Steady Condo Market
A significant part Miami's steady condo market can be atrributed to the area's recent trends, which include job growth, low vacancy rates, and a sizable reduction in apartment supply. Property analysts view that alongside San Diego, Miami is the only metropolitan area in the US where the supply of apartments is fast declining.
The fact that a large segment of Miami apartments are being converted into Miami condos faster than new ones are being built., may cause vacancy rates here to become even lower, and may lead to a further increase in demand for condos. Another factor that further strengthens the area's condo market, is the number of investors that are buying condos, both natural and converted, some of which will end up reappearing back onto the local rental market soon.
Condo Conversions Are Keeping Rentals Reasonable
Commercial property analysts say that the recent trend of condo conversions in Miami, wherein developers upgrade apartments and put them on the market as a condo, is keeping the city's rental hikes from becoming unreasonable, since many apartment owners here are apprehensive to raise rents on their properties because of the high concentration of condo activity here. Many condo conversion owners fear that a rapid rise in rents will cause many current renters to become condo buyers instead.
This city has long been a favorite vacation or second-home destination for people from the northeastern part of the country, however a mixture of factors like low interest rates, Latin American economic woes, and the dollars' pitfalls against the euro, have led foreign investors to view this city as an affordable alternative to skyrocketing European real estate.
Commercial property analysts predict that a shortage of available Miami condos could be in the running in the near future. Nevertheless, it is really quite difficult to accurately make a forecast.
The heightened surge in the city's condominium market has fuelled a boom in newer development projects. Currently, a lot of projects are on the verge of completion, aiming to provide the local market with everything from relatively inexpensive studio-type condo units to exclusive, upscale condos with ocean views and first-class facilities.
Some prospective clients hope that the condo prices will significantly drop when all the projects have finally settled. It is estimated that more than 50,000 condos will be added to local market within the next 10 years. In downtown Miami, a 35 story condominium tower named the Avenue is already ready for occupancy, and will add 570 units to the local housing market.
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Monday, January 14, 2008
South Florida Condos Buckle Under Hundreds Of Foreclosures
''I was kind of like sleep walking and this woman is there with a badge. She's saying she's the sheriff and she's there to serve my landlord a foreclosure,'' said Kovelman, 27, a senior account executive for a New York-based Web development company.
Kovelman's rental was one of 80 in the luxury condominium at 1200 Brickell Bay Dr. that dropped into foreclosure in 2007. The Club at Brickell Bay ranked first among condominiums in Miami-Dade and Broward counties with the most units in foreclosure. Borrowers owe lenders more than $42 million.
As the region's housing market sputters into the new year, a collection of largely unoccupied new towers are straining under hundreds of millions of dollars in defaulted mortgages. In the 20 buildings in Miami-Dade and Broward counties with the largest numbers of units in foreclosure, loans in default totaled more than $271.8 million, according to an analysis by Condo Vultures, a Bal Harbour real estate consulting firm and brokerage.
The epicenter is Miami's financial district along Brickell Avenue, where three of the top five buildings are located. Condo Vultures' principal Peter Zalewski jokingly refers to that area as Miami's ``foreclosure district.''
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Home sales to recover in '08, group says; So. Fla. could take longer
The monthly forecast from the National Association of Realtors calls for U.S. existing home sales to increase 0.9 percent this year to 5.7 million, up from a projected 5.65 million last year.
Final results for U.S. existing home sales in 2007 -- to be released later this month -- are expected to be down 12.7 percent from 6.48 million in 2006, the group said.
The group's forecast for 2008 was unchanged from last month. The trade group also forecast 5.91 million home sales in 2009.
Economists and analysts, however, are predicting far lower home sales and accuse the Realtors group of not painting an accurate picture of the housing market. Experts say home sales in South Florida will remain soft in 2008. They don't think the local housing market will begin to recover until 2009 or 2010.
``The exact timing and the strength of a home sales recovery is a bit uncertain,'' Lawrence Yun, the group's chief economist, said in a statement. ``A meaningful recovery in existing-home sales could occur as early as this spring, or it may be further delayed toward late 2008.''
Numerous economists, however, are much more pessimistic about the housing market this year and are predicting far lower home sales.
In addition, the group did not anticipate 2007's severe housing market downturn. A year ago, it was predicting more than 6.4 million existing home sales -- about 760,000 more than actually happened.
The group is predicting the median price for existing homes in the U.S. will have dropped 1.9 percent in 2007 to $217,600 (euro147,977) _ the first annual drop since the trade group began tracking the data.
That number is projected to remain flat in 2008 before rising to $224,400 (euro152,601) in 2009. The median is the point at which half sell for more money and half sell for less.
The trade group also said its index that forecasts near-term home sales fell 2.6 percent in November from an upwardly revised October number.
The trade group's seasonally adjusted index of pending sales for existing homes fell to a reading of 87.6 from an upwardly revised October index of 89.9, but was down 19.2 percent from a year ago. The index hit a record low in September at the peak of the worldwide credit squeeze.
The Realtors group predicted new home sales would fall 13.4 percent this year to 669,000, down from a projected total of 773,000 in 2007. It forecast new home sales would rebound to 730,000 in 2009 and projected new home prices would be flat this year at $242,200 (euro164,706), before rising to $256,500 (euro174,430) in 2009.
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Monday, January 7, 2008
Castle Beach condos lets owners back after 2 years

Robert Berman had been a resident of Castle Beach Condominium for close to a decade when he learned that he and the owners of the building's 586 units had to leave.
The condo, built in 1967, suffered structural damage and electrical wiring defects that led Miami Beach city engineers to close the building in April 2005.
''Being homeless is one of the worst experiences in the world,'' said Berman, 62. "It was a horrible feeling.''
Robert Stone, a certified public accountant, was given responsibility for the building by a Miami-Dade County Court.
He notified residents in a May 2005 letter that while repairs to the 18-story building, at 5445 Collins Ave., were being made, they would have to continue paying their monthly maintenance and assessments.
For Berman, that meant a $490 monthly maintenance fee and $600 in special assessments, not including his regular monthly mortgage. Residents also had to pay rent for temporary housing or seek refuge with friends and family.
Stone's letter estimated that repairs would cost about $20 million and take six months. It turned out to be 2 ½ years.
''At one point I didn't think we would ever get back in the building,'' said Berman, who moved in with his girlfriend in the interim.
Castle Beach Condo board president Caridad Amores said all major safety issues have been resolved and 80 percent of the building's structural damage has been repaired.
Residents celebrated the building's reopening in November.
''It definitely was a loss having to pay the mortgage, maintenance, special assessment fees and rent for temporary housing,'' said Francesco Stipo, 34, an international business attorney who moved into one of the penthouses in 2003.
''I'm very happy to be back,'' he said. "It's like waking up after a nightmare.''
The building, which first opened as the Hilton Plaza, has had many reincarnations and names.
In the 1970s, it became the Playboy Plaza, where Hugh Hefner had the penthouse suite.
Later it became the Plaza, the Miami Beach Hyatt House, the Konover Hotel, the Castle Premier Hotel, the Castle Hotel and Resort, Clarion Castle Hotel and Resort and the Castle Beach Hotel.
It became the Castle Beach Condominium in 1993.
The condo has encountered a ''perfect storm of problems,'' condo board president Amores said.
The trouble began in 2003, when a condo owner sued the condominium board, charging that the board had not properly maintained the ground-floor theater's roof.
The city said it had no choice but to enforce a mandatory evacuation order in 2005, because it had given the condo board repeated notice of code violations that were never fixed.
Assistant City Manager Tim Hemstreet said the building was ordered closed ``due to specific electrical violations that affected the safety of the building's occupants. It was reopened as these violations were corrected.''
When the building was evacuated, the court took power away from the board and gave control of the building to Stone.
But many unit owners, not satisfied with his management, sought to replace the receiver with a five-member board chosen by the owners. They succeeded.
The new condo board was appointed in November 2005 and ''is dedicated to making Castle Beach Condominium better than ever,'' Amores said.
Hemstreet said the condo association decided to reopen the building floor by floor starting in 2006.
While residents are breathing a sigh of relief, there is still much work to be done, including extensive plumbing and some window replacements. The pool also needs to be redone and the building needs to be repainted.
Additionally, a dozen commercial units on the ground floor cannot reopen until the outdated system that provides electricity to the building is replaced.
Resident Alex Solon, who owns a Russian and Turkish bathhouse inside the building that remains closed, is still out of work.
''It was a double whammy -- losing our residence and business,'' said Solon, 38. "It was devastating.''
Complicating the renovation process is how to finance the continuing repairs.
Because the building was closed by the city, obtaining a loan for the projects has been difficult, Berman said.
Today board members rely on the special assessments and a credit system granted by a few contractors, including Ideal Construction Solutions, which have come to their aid.
''It was heartbreaking as residents would stop by and inquire about the building's progress,'' said Jose Hernandez, project manager for Ideal Construction. "We are very proud of being part of this organization in an effort to bring people back home.''
Berman, also a member of the condo board, calls it ''creative financing'' and said he appreciates what Ideal Construction Service has done so far.
Ultimately, Berman said, a loan of between $15 million and $20 million will be necessary to complete the project.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
FAR: November home sales, prices down

In Fort Lauderdale, sales of existing single-family homes fell 34 percent to 401 from 605, as prices fell 4 percent to $348,100 from $362,000. In Miami, existing single-family home sales fell 59 percent -- the biggest drop in South Florida -- to 263 from 645, as prices fell 4 percent, to $359,300 from $372,400. In West Palm Beach-Boca Raton, existing single-family home sales fell 13 percent, to 459 from 525, as prices dropped 7 percent, to $345,700 from $370,400.
Near South Florida, median existing single family home sales:
* fell 25 percent in Fort Piece-Port St. Lucie, to 230 from 305, as prices declined 17 percent, to $206,300 from $247,600.
* fell 18 percent in Melbourne-Titusville-Palm Bay, to 379 from 461, as prices declined 9 percent, to $184,000 from $203,300.
* fell 29 percent in Punta Gorda, to 154 from 218, as prices declined 18 percent, to $177,300 from $215,100.
FAR said single-family home data from Fort Meyers-Cape Coral and Naples-Marco Island was not available.
FAR said existing condominium sales were down across the area, as well, though prices inched up 3 percent in Miami, to $264,700 from $257,400. Miami condo sales fell 53 percent, to 297 from 627.
In Fort Lauderdale, existing condo sales were down 23 percent, to 430 from 560, as prices dropped 17 percent, to $166,700 from $199,700. In West Palm Beach-Boca Raton, condo sales fell 17 percent, to 347 from 420, as prices fell 19 percent, to $177,400 from $219,800.
Near South Florida, median existing condo sales:
* increased 28 percent, to 68 from 53, in Fort Pierce-Port St. Lucie, as prices grew 6 percent, to $185,000 from $174,000.
* fell 37 percent, to 67 from 106, in Melbourne-Titusville-Palm Bay, as prices grew 10 percent, to $172,500 from $157,300.
* fell 36 percent, to 21 from 33, in Punta Gorda, as prices declined 24 percent, to $142,500 from $187,500.
FAR said condominium sales data from Fort Meyer-Cape Coral and Naples-Marco Island was not available.
Statewide, existing single-family home sales were down 30 percent in November, to 8,106 from 11,609, as prices declined 10 percent, to $215,800 from $239,800.
Condo sales in Florida fell 29 percent, to 2,375 from 3,356, as prices declined 9 percent, to $186,700 from $204,500.
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